Having a question bank can help you get the most out of our online exam builder. Why, and how? First, we need to understand what is a question bank and how it works.
Having a question bank can help you get the most out of our online exam builder. Why, and how? First, we need to understand what is a question bank and how it works.
It is mandatory to watch the whole video without skipping any part.
This presentation shall help you Understand the manual better.
In order to revamp the legacy of manual marking and simplifying the cumbersome procedures, FBISE introduced On-Screen Marking of one subject (Computer Science) in 2016 as a pilot project. In 2021 annual examination as part of the reforms agenda “Pen to Pixel” FBISE up scaled the On-Screen Marking system for all science subjects of SSC & HSSC.
Present / Absent script number used by students.
Having a question bank can help you get the most out of our online exam builder. Why, and how? First, we need to understand what is a question bank and how it works.
The students learn different skills like rhythm, flexibility, and coordination. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. The perfect class for your child with the best.
In order to revamp the legacy of manual marking and simplifying the cumbersome procedures, FBISE introduced On-Screen Marking of one subject (Computer Science) in 2016 as a pilot project. In 2021 annual examination as part of the reforms agenda “Pen to Pixel” FBISE up scaled the On-Screen Marking system for all science subjects of SSC & HSSC.
Present / Absent script number used by students.
Having a question bank can help you get the most out of our online exam builder. Why, and how? First, we need to understand what is a question bank and how it works.
The students learn different skills like rhythm, flexibility, and coordination. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. The perfect class for your child with the best.
In order to revamp the legacy of manual marking and simplifying the cumbersome procedures, FBISE introduced On-Screen Marking of one subject (Computer Science) in 2016 as a pilot project. In 2021 annual examination as part of the reforms agenda “Pen to Pixel” FBISE up scaled the On-Screen Marking system for all science subjects of SSC & HSSC.
Present / Absent script number used by students.
Having a question bank can help you get the most out of our online exam builder. Why, and how? First, we need to understand what is a question bank and how it works.